F2F-1 S.N. 9673 of VF-5 Unit.
F2F-1 S.N. 9367 of VF-7 Unit. 1940 USS Wasp.
Another project. Thanks to Mr. Andrzej Glass and R.I.P. Mr. Waclaw Klepacki, I had opportunity to draw probbly the best scale ever made plans of this aircraft. Now I'm going to "translate" them in to virtual 3d model. Using parametric Rhnoceros:
Scale plans published at AJ Press 100 Monography has a lot of mistakes - probably due to print incorrects. So I hope my model will be tribute to all Polish September '39 heroic pilots.
My newest project was public at box art of Hataka Hobby acrylic paint producer:
Front of the box:
Back of the box:
Here's finished profile of first Polish jet.
This is TS-11 Iskra R of 6th regiment of tactical unit.